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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/16 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    That sounds like the exact same bloke we sold a car to 3 weeks ago, he's been in 4 times since , he brought some pictures in of some of his old cars Friday and bored us to tears for an hour, he pulled up today and I kid you not and this is the first time i have done this , it was a panick reaction , i locked the office door and hid in the toilet until he fooked off.
  2. 2 points
    Thing is do you really want to sell a car to that kind of person? They will be back in 18 months expecting you to replace a the tyres free of charge 'under warranty'... or suing you for misrepresentation on your FSH car because said car was 1500 miles overdue a service in 2010. I've never been able to get my head around the ones that go over the (faultless) car with a fine tooth comb, negotiate a price and then suddenly have 1 more to look at. I mean do they actually want to buy a car, is it just a cheap day out for them or do they have no social life whatsoever and are desperate for an hour of someone's time?
  3. 1 point
    Great little forum i stumbled across, what about a tech help section there seems to be a wealth of know how on here and we all get stuck from time to time, me more often than not these days. keep up the good work
  4. 1 point
    I knew I should have put my money into AT shares and not Tesco!!! The auction would probably still make delivery, wait for the complaint, ask you to send photos of the issues and then claim it wasn't listed on the POD so there's nothing they'll do!!
  5. 1 point
    I cant believe the money the directors are making at Autotrader - That's an obscene amount. Coincidentally we've sold two cars from AT this month at a premium of£1600... Now I know where our moneys going! Transporter - Burnt orange my favourite colour! This infamous sign still spoken about... I doubt we will never know the truth...
  6. 1 point
    RAC has given me 1 lead total in 9 months, utter rubbish. I still post the adverts, as it's free so it can't hurt for a 2 minute copy & paste from AT ads. I really think RAC thought the traffic would be organic because of who they are, people side stepping from breakdown policy searches etc. Or possibly they thought the PPC revenue would allow them to pay to advertise more widely (TV etc) to promote further growth. Either way this has clearly failed. I feel the same as GG in that they promised us down-trodden dealers a ray of light that we might actually get some valued exposure for zero outlay but they didn't make their money so let this just get eaten up by another corporate machine. I will try Motors 90 day trial and see how we fair, if it doesn't reap rewards I'll just be left with a voodoo doll wearing an RAC crest to show for it all ...
  7. 1 point