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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/16 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    That seems to be a recurring theme for me. But I do pride myself on customer satisfaction.....
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    A trend that is growing in the USA is to have huge warehouses full of cars and do nothing other than internet sales. I visited a company in Colorado that is now one of the largest dealers in the USA with a huge turn over. Sorry I cant name them. As they say we always follow the god old USA! This is one trend I hope we do not follow in. Reports show that internet marketing for businesses is growing exponentially. This is resulting in more sales for those that follow the rules of engagement. On the other hand internet sales for products are actually down. It would seem that people as a whole like instant gratification and they can not get this from buying a product from the internet and waiting for it to be delivered. People still like to touch, see and smell what they are purchasing. Internet marketing helps businesses push the customer in the right direction of the product they want to buy and who to buy it from. A business that learns how to brand their business to the public and not sell to them is one that will rise above the competition. As for walk in's or drive by's (Not the shooting kind) I would say they are still a huge factor in sales for any business. No one can stop them selves from looking at a product that is well displayed and sharp to look at. It is like driving down the road and trying not to notice the beautiful looking young lady or handsome man in some peoples cases walking down the road. We all see them we just do not want to admit it to anyone. (Well not or significant other anyway) Marketing on the internet is a tool for businesses as used to be the Yellow pages and Thompsons Local etc. It is just a little more advanced and has a million times the power over the predecessors as we can now interact with our customers before ever meeting them. A good adage to remember is first impressions count. Also how many of you on here reading this have ever thought about threads (Blogs etc) around the internet where people can place comments about your business for others to read. Do you interact with these pages? Is the information being publicised good or bad? As I started out saying the internet is a wonderful tool for marketing and it has a huge ability for customers whom we interact with to have their say. It used to be that it took a life time to build a businesses good reputation. If you had a customer who complained and told some or all of their friends about their grievance you lost a few customers. Today the same person can post all over the internet and destroy your business without you knowing about it at all. So remember not to only market on the net but to also police your business too.