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Car export question

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Hi everyone, 

Posted one earlier but not sure I did it right, so posting it again just in case!

Its a hypothetical question, as im answering a mock exam question type thing! Say now a UK-based used-car dealer wanted to expand into a new country like France or Germany or whatever (but also stay in the UK), what would be the implications of exporting some of the car inventory to one of the European countries? Asides the fact they have a different-hand drive. Sorry if anything isn't clear, i dont know too much about the industry, although I'd like to!

Many thanks in advance,

Hit me up with any questions if you have them!


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At the moment we are still operating under EU single-market arrangements (until 31st December) so there are no import duties to pay, other than for imports to Cyprus and Portugal.  A car could be 'exported' to an EU country and retailed there - just paying any local sales taxes and registration fees (and roadworthiness check, if required). All of those vary from country to country. A used car is one that has been driven more than 6000km and you'd need an EU Certificate of Conformity and an exhaust emissions test (if 3+ years old).

Assuming we leave the EU without an agreement then the UK would be treated as a 'third country' and presumably the EU's 10% car import tariff would be applied. Export/import documentation would be required which would include Cert. of Conformity etc.

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Thank you so much Halfpenny, that was incredibly insightful and more detailed than I was expecting the answer to be! That certainly answers my question! Would you know where I could find additional information on this? As unfortunately I need a citation <_<


Again, thanks so much! Really appreciate it!

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40 minutes ago, Sammy29 said:

Thank you so much Halfpenny, that was incredibly insightful and more detailed than I was expecting the answer to be! That certainly answers my question! Would you know where I could find additional information on this? As unfortunately I need a citation <_<


Again, thanks so much! Really appreciate it!

Sorry I don't know a specific source of information but if you google 'used car import' along with EU and WTO etc then I am sure something will turn up.

I don't know of any UK used car dealers that have an outlet in the EU and send UK cars there to sell.  Most countries in the EU are LHD so mainstream UK spec used cars would not be attractive to buyers. There is a certain amount of trade between UK and Ireland (also RHD).

UK used cars that do sell in Europe tends to be specialist/prestige stuff, and in small numbers. But the dealers would stay UK based and the EU customer would come to the UK for the car (or have it delivered to EU). I think Brexit will put the lid on most of that trade.

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