
Are dealers interested in social media leads?

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Hello Dealers,

I'm Yasen and I'm the founder of http://prof.ai. The idea is to connect people looking for cars on social media with dealerships having those cars.

Do you think this would be useful?

We currently have lists with hundreds of people looking for a new car every week, and we use A.I. algorithms to detect age, gender, credibility, and psychological traits (only detected from public data). We did some random probing and ~20% of these people are waiting for offers.

The problem - I need dealerships to sell cars to those people and it turns out the ones I'm reaching aren't very responsive.

So I have two questions:

- What do you think of such a channel? I've read a lot of reports on how dealers should change, turn to innovations, explore social media... what do you think :)

- How should we approach the right dealerships?


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Interesting Yasen,! I'm sure most of us would be very interested in leads , genuine leads that these people are interested in buying, the problem is not wasting a lot of time on dead leads which doesn't help you, me or any other dealer ! Its how to authenticate genuine leads from 'tyre kickers' but always willing to have a chat if its beneficial to all. :)

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