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improvisation - Madness

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'Improvisation ' - Madness

You've never seen like this !

Van comes in next door couple of weeks ago to have tracking checked, found track rod end got play in the arm - advised customer needs this repair, OK - I'll get my garage to fix to it and come back.

Van rolls in this morning - and this has to be seen to be believed !, Old wheel bearing 'packed' between the bolt and the arm ! what a bodge - The guys 'tried' to explain to the van owner how dangerous this is - it could kill someone and refused to work on the van.

They told him , I can understand if you're stuck in the desert or on a motorway and you did that to get you home as an emergency but this is just unreal....

Now is it another garage .. or he's own handy work ?

The van driver goes away mumbling and not happy ! do these idiots realise the implications !


check out the picture .... !! wont let me up load the picture :( !! 



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