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Ranty Friday 14 August

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Ladies and Gentlemen. Here is the news.

Auto Trader have been informing their 'customers'* that their current 'packages' are coming to an end and new ones will be coming into effect shortly - At increased prices. But this is being disguised by the Greedy, Greedy Boys as a removal of this year's discount against last year's increase, so not an increase at all. Or something equally duplicitous.

Words have officially failed me. Almost.

They really, really are on some kind of Kamikaze mission, aren't they?


*For clarification, especially for the hierarchy at AT, this is a technical term for  those who pay your ***king wages! You could do worse than to remember that.





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I used to dread the visit from the Autotrader rep because it always used to cost more money, either with a huge price increase or some super new product that we would be stupid not to have.... I now sleep soundly and dont worry about the arrogance of AT because after I was called a "dinosaur" by the rep we cancelled and saved £36000 a year. We had our best month ever in May and are getting better margins because we dont need to be on page 1,,,  We still put a few cars on AT as pay as you go but the return per spend is not worth the investment so this will be used less and less, I hope they realise before it is too late that they cannot keep milking the trade, what was once a great product is now loathed by everyone I speak to. 

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Whitestone where is all your advertising done now? and are you getting the same level of interest without AT?

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We are on e-bay,, AA cars, RAC cars, exchange and mart, and we pay for google ad words which seems to drive a lot of traffic direct to our website, we also operate from a main road showroom and have been here since 1981 so a lot of passing and repeat business. The annoying thing is trying to monitor response because people are blinkered into saying Autotrader when you ask where they have seen the car advertised, even though the car has never been advertised on autotrader, they then say that they spend all night doing a google search so unsure which site they came from. But all the other sites are no brainers compared to autotrader, combined they give us same response for a fraction of the cost, and are far nicer people to deal with. 

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