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Phil H

Have you googled WBAC lately?

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Afternoon all,

the internet is awash with talk about how we need to change and adapt to an ever changing market place that we all operate in. Well now the time for talking is over and for all of us who are dedicated to honest and transparent processes within our sector, to have one place where we can collectively have our voice heard, your own page dedicated to your business and what makes you special. It won't cost you a penny to join but you will be standing shoulder to shoulder with other like minded businesses to help make change happen.

We will also be engaging with consumers seeking their input on what our industry is doing wrong and how we can make the whole car buying, selling, servicing experience better for all.

This has been started by a Group of Professional Motor Dealers but any reputable business from any sector in the motor trade is welcome to join.

We don't know where this will end but every good thing has to start somewhere.

All you have to do to find out more is google WBAC which stands for We Bring About Change.

We look forward to you getting involved.

Edited by Phil H
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