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Everything posted by BrokerMan

  1. Hi guys Anyone here have any experience new car brokering? It's something we're looking at - but with the likes of CarWow making just £200 a car, is there really money to be made as an independent? They rely on bulk sales with no legwork rather than the more traditional car broker route of actually talking with customers, but this is the age of digital communication. Anyone here tried it, or involved in it?
  2. Yes, you can save a lot of money giving your own warranty vs paying to include a 3rd party one. No up-sale though (i.e. upgrade a 3 month to 12 month warranty). Depends on whether you do sales, or sales ans servicing. Many dealers don't do much servicing work and so don't need the hassle of a car coming back and so easier to include a 3rd party product. But if you have your own servicing facilities and mechanic on-hand then makes sense to self-warranty.
  3. Does not surprise me at all... You can have an in-depth conversation on a forum, ask question etc. Can't do that on Twatter!