James Glen Cars

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About James Glen Cars

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  • Your industry
    Independent dealer
  • Dealership/company name
    James Glen Car Sales
  1. I see this on a lot of adverts. Its something we have tried with success, but only on a car that we are struggling with, and only if the car is very very clean AND only if the customer seems 100% okay. (last one is most important!) From my understanding of the distance selling act, the law is stacked completely in the buyers favour. This is to the point that, if the customer does not want the car FOR ANY REASON AT ALL, the car can simply be rejected, leaving the dealer to collect and refund all costs which includes delivery and collection charges. So, who does it on a regular basis? Are there things that can be put in place to protect you against crazy customers? Or is it just a numbers game - it will sell you more cars, yes thats for sure, but just accept the grief that will no doubt go along with it? I'd be really interested in hearing experience (good & bad) from someone who advertises the NATIONWIDE DELIVERY service. Cheers, Stevie