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Everything posted by mxp26

  1. Thank you for you answer. I asked cause it’s my first time buying a car here in UK and I just wanted to be reassured that this was something actually done “correctly”. thanks again.
  2. I see some of your professional colleagues seems not to understand the process I’ve just asked. Thanks for reply anyway.
  3. I have a quick question for you. I bought a car from a dealer and the car didn’t have the logbook, the dealer made me fill a v62 form and went to the post office to send it to the dvla and tax the car for me. I can see that that car is taxed now for six months. My question is how can dealer tax the car without the v5? When I search on line I read different stories of people who were able to tax it and other who needed the actual v5 to arrive in order to tax the car.