Philip Nothard

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Posts posted by Philip Nothard

  1. Have you noticed much change throughout the month, in terms of supply, condition and values?
    With footfall across the Franchise Dealers being reported as up to 14% year-on-year, will or can the stock supply keep up with demand?
    The manufacturers are starting to push hard for increased targets, and they are certainly all not intending to go backwards this year against 2013.  We are consistently discussing the issue around ‘old’ pre-registered cars that are still sat on dealer’s forecourts from last year and what they are going to do.
    Performance month to date is certainly interesting, with a reasonably level result but with some high winners and poor losers behind the scenes.
    There had been conversations prior to the New Year, that larger groups, Supermarkets, etc. didn't need to worry about stock for the January sales, as there would be plenty from the CH/L come January - is that the case?  Contrary to this, there's been selected dealer groups actively marketing to purchase much-needed  stock... 
    What’s your view?


  2. Happy New Year all.

    How has the month started for you? 

    Is the retail and footfall, as you expected or more?

    Volumes look to be up at the auctions; however, one report is that the quality for some could still be an issue/concern - along with prime stock attaining CAP+ figures in some cases.

    Without mentioning the SMMT figures too much and the debate around transparency of registrations, will or has this sparks a 'good feeling' factor in the industry and consumers?

    In brief;

    Is footfall and enquiries up or down?

    Is stock in enough supply to meet requirements and demand?

    Will the retail prices hold enough margin against trade values being paid?


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  3. This is always the risk, as many re-sellers hold stock back ready for the new year and more and more dealers trying to beat it by buying early in November/December.  Is the consumer demand there, and do you feel you'll miss much business by having empty spaces on the forecourt?



  4. All,


    What is the current position with regards these; even though new car performance is up year-on-year and month-on-month - mainly through Retail.  There are very quiet 'rumours' that Sept has a high volume of registrations in the last day or so through tactical bonus opportunities.


    I'm personally not necessarily against them, as they generate sales from consumers that believe these are the best deals, dealers can register stock that they otherwise wouldn't retail and generally keeps the 'wheels' turning - its unfortunate that it is such a taboo subject in certain areas of conversation.


    Your views appreciated. 



  5. All,
    Reviewing re-market platforms, and what they are advertising.  I'm interested to understand how your stock reflects the wider market.
    What should the ratio be? Petrol - Diesel - Alternative Fuels
    Does the sector profile reflect your area or the general market - does it need to be geographic in today's innovative world?
    How many cars do you have in stock with 0 - 100 Tax?
    Do you manage your stock relative to the selling price - >5K 5-10K 10k+ or is it determined by investment availability?
    I accept, that much of this will be dependent on your sales route - Supermarket, Independent, Trader and Franchise plus being an approved re-seller for a manufacturer.
    Early analysis shows that the split between Petrol:Diesel is 50/50 with very low investment into Alternative-fuel cars (excluding electric)
    Views all welcome. 


    • Like 1

  6. November performance & forthcoming December - January demand
    As November approaches yet another month-end, how has the market changed for you? Reports that demand has slowed during the first half; however, remaining just ahead of November 2012. Is stock becoming more plentiful and has the quality improved at all?  The usual demand for the '4 x 4' seems to be taking hold, as reports of the first snow hit the weather reports.
    What are your views on November for your business, and how do you feel the market will develop through December, and will there be enough stock for the usual January sales planned by many?
    Views on a post card :-)   


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  7. The options debate is one that is certainly very important and very subjective, as we all know.  the point James makes reference the AWD and 2WD, is something I have highlighted previously, and I am sure that there are many drivers out there that bought the vehicle under the assumption it was AWD (I wonder whether the salesman knew?).


    With regards the factory fitted options, the second issue is, if there is a value associated and would you have one option without the other.  We discussed recently the options that are relative to safety, which if they were highlighted better, I'm confident that the consumers would understand the value. 


    Both the Mini and now the Adam are probably the worst culprits and not far behind are vehicles such as the Fiat 500 etc. 

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  8. Looking like no one!! James. - It's only an opinion, and I'm sure many will have it would certainly be in the discussion of any competitive manufacturers relative to market share and dealer coverage when discussing target volumes and monthly objectives. 

  9. Hi all,


    I'm trying to gauge an understanding of actual new vehicles sold through the showroom - retail/business (not central/fleet etc.) in the following vehicle classes:


    • A3
    • ​Q3


    • 1-Series
    • X1


    • AClass


    Either, weekly, monthly or annually.


  10. That's the question, are dealers missing out on retail opportunities - would a consumer look within a 4x4 sector search expecting to see vehicles with four wheel drive or would they class them as estates - difficult to justify the same rational to saloons maybe - that could really start to confuse both the dealers and consumers?  Someone on another forum suggested 'Soft Roaders' ?????? 

  11. Just discussing a description name for a sector of vehicles; such as, Audi A6 ALL ROAD, Skoda Octavia Scout etc.  that are described as 'off-road' estates?
    Very interesting when you stop to think about it, are they estates, are they SUV - what are they and how does the consumer look for them?  


  12. What's the general feeling by the dealers about the supply/volume of stock through the final quarter?  With a potential over flow from September, new cars dripping through into October and November due to delayed orders; will this generate the much-needed  supply of retail cars?  As many supermarkets, dealer groups and a selection of independents look to source stock ready for January, either sales marketing or to 'beat', any price rises generated from the rush of activity.


  13. The sentiment is that the market slowed in the first week or so of October, as dealers took a breath; however, normality seems to be recovering.  Concerns remain over high-mileage, poor-quality  vehicle, albeit volumes have increased.  
    Reports of high percentages of PCP business, with 80% declared from a single brand. 
    I won't mention the dreaded Pre-Reg/Tactical registrations too early on here, needless to say - yes, the usual suspects.
    Doing some analysis around total cost of motoring at the minute and the relative association to the individual models registered in 2013 compared with previous years; reactive to the economy impact.
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