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  1. Hello all, not sure if I'm even allowed to post here as I am not a car dealer but have searched the web about this problem without finding any answer. I have submitted an easy procedure form to the court against a car dealer - turned out 2 months after buying that the car had a massive problem in the control unit and is now undriveable. No call-back from the company owner (he allegedly I'd always away when I call) or any response to my letters, hence the court procedure. Now awaiting court decision, I don't own a private parking space and must leave it on a public road. But MOT is about to expire, and it's not worth fixing the problem. Should I have it scrapped? I know I could get into trouble when leaving the car in public without MOT. Sorry if this question sounds stupid. My brain says that I must not destroy my "piece of evidence", however leaving it like this is illegal. Any advice welcome! Thanks in advance.