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Posts posted by DPF

  1. 4 hours ago, Mark101 said:

    I can’t remember the figures but let’s say about £3500 (my max bid).  The auction (remember early EBay days) was at about £1,000 with a few hours left (I didn’t know EBay attracted last second bids back then) the auction ended at £3525 - that’s why I was gutted but you’re right, their max May have been £5,000 but it feels like I missed out for £25

    If your max is £4000 you still missed out for £25 if their max bid is £5000.

  2. 16 hours ago, Lucas said:

    Thank you for your input. I also think of this way earlier last month. Then I sadly found out all the roadside car dealers in that area have all their stock listed on AT. Some have 30+ cars, some 60+ cars, and some have 120+ cars. They still paying a lot to AT. Looks like they're not saving any advertisement fees. Really, until now, I can't find any dealer in my target area who is not realised on AT. This is good news, but also bad news. 

    Despite the fact that AT rule the used car buy and sell market. But roadside, somehow still attracted me. That is why I have to ask this question here to get more opinions. Thanks.

    This shows you preferred site 2 but just hoping for reassurance 

    • Like 1

  3. 3 hours ago, MattR said:

    Put simply, if a prospective customer is put off by the wings being a different shade to the rest of the car, allow yourself a gallic shrug and let them go and buy something else, they'd live with you anyway if they were that fussy.most of my stock is 8-12 years old, so will have had paint done. And 90% of customers at this age/price range is realistic enough to know that. 

    Does it have any bearing on the reliability of the car? No. Which when they are 12 years old, is surely the most important thing.

    So dont kick yourself about it, it will sell!

    +1 it will sell.

  4. On 09/11/2016 at 6:01 PM, sparky said:

    I've done a couple of deals with them and almost cried when I look at the repayments. I wonder how many customers stay the full term with them?

    No doubt it's big business though and I've just started to notice a few dealers are actually using their own money and stock to sell cars this way. £35 a week for 3 years for a car that owes you around 1500 quid. As the folk at Dacia say, you do the maths.

    Crazy price £5040+ for £1500 Car. 

  5. 16 hours ago, Pip said:

    Got a beautiful red mini cooper 56 plate 1 owner with 24000 miles. £3295. Just closing up and gets a call from a guy in Wimbledon. He wants it now for his girlfriend's Xmas present. He said don't close I'm coming now. I have cash. He turned all nasty and called me a turkey when I refused his 2 bags of sand.

    Told me he hopes I choke on my Christmas turkey. 

    Merry Christmas everyone and I'm off to the pub. 

    Luckily you didn’t sale to this low life. Have a lovely weekend pip.

  6. 1 hour ago, Dave2302 said:

    NO NO NO !!

    Do not mention refunds, just write exactly this :-

    The more you write to these c*nts the more cards you disclose which then they turn into ammo ...................

    "But you said" etc etc.

    Short and sweet !! 
