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Posts posted by Contracts

  1. Have moved on hundreds of old cars and vans on e-bay over the years it does seem to be getting a bit harder now with people not turning up but the latest trick I have come across a couple of times lately are London based buyers who put in a high bid early which pretty much guarantees they win.

    It all goes a bit strange come collection time as each time a car driven on trade plates turns up with 3 or 4 non fluent English speakers who inspect the car before passing “the boss” on the phone who starts listing all the undeclared and non existent faults with the car.  At this point a new price is suggested and the stand off begins with the buyers indicating they would leave negative feedback etc unless the deal is done at their “preferred price”. 

    I can only assume this sort of intimidating behavior works on private sellers as £500 off a £3k car is a good day out if you can do it several times a day which from the cars they turn up in is what they must do.        

    Anyway, in all cases money has changed hands, (its funny as they often had their “preferred price” in an envelope with the balance coming from another) invoice raised and most important a trade removal disclaimer signed before they drive off into the sunset.

  2. Working for a vehicle management company we handle the acquisition and disposal of vehicles for quite a few celebrity clients and come resale buyers often get a little carried away if they find out the car they are looking at has celebrity connections. 

    As mentioned in the thread above, quite a few celebrity owners don’t look after their cars that well or in the cars registered to ourselves have much appreciation of traffic laws.