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Posts posted by Paddy

  1. 17 hours ago, Arfur Dealy said:

    Bolt on business suggestions? 

    Not a bolt on but I dabble in plant and machinery, used stuff that needs a bit of fettling and either sell as is or if time permits then I'll get dirty and get stuck into a refurb... You think car punters are bad you should try dealing in the pikey domain! not all of them but certainly more than the cars. 

  2. I was after a runner at a local auction main dealer px 54 plate volvo v50 2.0D with 130k no history and shit paint to rear 1/4 and door, was hoping 4-500 would buy it...  Dealer reserve 1500,laughable... And that wasn't the only thing, couple of minis I was interested for retail both went for retail money I can only assume private buyers are attending more and more

  3. Arfur, I don't know why I bit, and for that I apologise, shortly after voting out I vowed to forget about politics, they're all the same, politicians, my vow was to concentrate on family, business and not give two shits what the hierarchy did or do, I don't buy papers anymore or watch the news and that has been beneficial to me. 

  4. 14 hours ago, Arfur Dealy said:

    Brexit has been voted in by the most ignorant racist people of the land, the ignorant benefit culture. 

    I'm not ignorant, neither am I racist and I've never been on benefits. 

    I voted Brexit, I find people throwing out remarks like that and generalising to be the ignorant and simple ones. 

    • Like 1

  5. You're right of course, just thought I'd ask here as was sat going through the file of paper work.. going to keep it as a smoker for a bit anyway its got 3/4 tank of juice and they do mega mpg and off to south west corner of Ireland in a few days. 

  6. Just took one of these in earlier on 95k with every single receipt and fvsh from new, but no ref to a timing belt ever being done, a quick google shows intervals of 150k! sounds a bit excessive but dont want to chuck money into replacement if its not needed, anyone experienced belt issues with these before?

  7. 3 minutes ago, NOACROSS said:

    Nice weather? 

    With the roof down!? Must have all your hair still. 

    It's been nice for a few weeks around these parts, couple of days this week have been shite but apart from that can't complain.. 

    As for the hair it's starting to fail but I keep it quite short anyway

  8. Well some of us were working whilst you piss tanks were on it... Been the block and come away empty handed again, I won't name and shame but its in Ellesmere Port and it's officially on my never visit again list, next Friday I'll be joining you.. 

  9. With all this nice weather I've been smoking a 120i se convertible and I couldn't give 2 fucks what ever people thought, they've obviously nothing better to talk about... Although it sold on Monday and I'm lumbered with a 159 that is  actually better than I thought it'd be. 


    I'm 44 and a half :)

  10. Never bought or sold or even driven an Alfa, foolishly had a bet with a mate in the pub, footy related, stupid I know but hey ho, anyway I've ended up giving 2k for an immaculate 159 1.9JTDM 77k 57plate fsh and belts done 5k ago, I would have given 1k if my bet had 'won'... 


    Foolish yes, dont need the lectures on responsibility and the effects of alcohol and the inability to say no and being easily lead, but will I come out alive on this one? 

  11. The only saving grace is the under bidder messaged me gutted he'd lost out by a penny, he'd put his max bid in  and was busy when the auction finished, I put him in the picture and he's coming round tomorrow having sent a deposit via paypal.

    • Like 3

  12. You're not alone, dont do sundays as a general rule, guy from some arsehole of a place wins car on ebay yesterday and arranges collection today reluctantly on my part, fair enough he turned up on time with two mates then tried to find every single stone chip, mark, dead fly and tries the chip..I stood firm he fills out v5 then kicks off v5 isn't in my name, why would it be we're a garage? 

    He fucked off on his mobile rabbiting away in whatever  middle eastern language it was for 10 minutes then came back and said the deals on if I send the v5 off in my name and he'll buy car when the  v5 comes back and tried forcing a deposit on me..... guess this could of happened any day but fathers day when I'd gone out my way to break away from the family for an hour

  13. Personally I've not wasted a great deal of time at all, I simply dont respond to the 'shitheads'....A mate who mainly deals in 30-50k stuff conducts business via whatsapp from wherever he may be, be it the gym/beach/sitting in the sun drinking coffee, has a unit and stock in a couple of high end dealerships. Myself and him have both been in the industry 20 yrs+ so we where about prior to smart phones and social media, I guess you either adapt, embrace and move with the times and refine it to your advantage or become a miserable old git ungracefully :)

  14. I've had 2 texts today, 2 individuals both about the same car, one asking genuine questions about the  mechanicals/SH and they got a response, the other was 'best price cash today' got ignored, out of that 5 mins work (if that) one is viewing tomorrow and has sent over a copy of their driving licence as requested by myself so she can go on a test drive.

    To be continued.....

  15. Fecking Dinosaurs... its the modern world folks, GP appointment reminders by text, DPD/courier info via text, bank/CC balance via text, flight/ferry confirmation via text, order a pizza via text, inquire about a car via text, rightly or wrongly good and bad communicate via text whether SMS or social media messaging its quick and simple and can be done from anywhere, work desk, lying in bed, having a shite... If the opening text is 'best price???' it'll be ignored but if it has some intent and genuine interest i'll respond.

    • Like 4

  16. And yet a guy I know owns nursing homes and is crawling in it, changes his car pretty much when it runs out of juice, in the last year has had a V10 M5, couple of range rovers, 5.0 toerag and whole host of of little things to run about in all new, his daughter is disabled and due to that gets a motab car...