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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/17 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    could be a useful APP will save time having to get onto DVLA site, don't you just love privates who say they just had car MOT recently but cant find certificate, their recent was 9 months ago,,,,
  2. 1 point
    I've downloaded it but what's the pricing structure for it as I think we'd need to see the Pro version to give worthwhile feedback.
  3. 1 point
    Downloaded and tried a couple of times, can seen it been quite A useful app, thanks. Just one thing, the moving background is soooooooo annoying, makes my eyes go funny, but I am a speccy (speccy emoji) And what does the pro version get us?
  4. 1 point
    Good news! I managed to download an app, but I'm not sure its the one I was supposed to, so perhaps still a fail?
  5. 1 point
    Good News Car Dealer Forum members... and you heard it here first... you can 'help' sell a customers’ or fellow motor dealers’ vehicle on a 'sale or return' basis and NOT be liable under the Sales of Goods Act. You (the dealer) will act as an agent for client (the seller), if you advertise the car on your forecourt or website it must clearly state... ‘This is a sale or return vehicle, we are selling it on behalf of a client and it will be invoiced accordingly’. When you sell the vehicle DO NOT invoice it from yourself (the dealer), the invoice should be from your client (the seller). You will not be responsible for any sale of goods issues however you will be jointly and severally liable for any misdescription AND in the event that the vehicle is a clients vehicle and the client misdecribes it, you (the dealer) may be in the unfortunate position whereby you become liable while the client, not being in a trade or business, is not! So make sure any descriptions are correct. Interestingly, if the client (the seller) is a fellow motor trader they will be liable for any sale of goods issues NOT YOU. Any sale or return agreement should be strictly controlled and any agreement put in writing... make sure your name logo etc are not on the invoice... you are only an agent working on commission... AND make sure your customer is aware of this from start to finish of the sale process. You can buy Lawgistics Sale or Return Agreement Pads on both AMAZON and EBAY. Hope this helps