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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/16 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Average for me is around 35 days from being live to being sold. would never sit on a car for longer than 3 months whatever the reason. work out your daily overheads, rent/utilities/advertising/wages etc then divide it by the number of cars you have and you'll soon see how much each one costs you. If anyone says they've still made a profit on a car after 12 months I'd doubt it but guess it depends on your type of stock and what overheads you have. I need to shift my cars on if they go past 100 days, each car costs me about £10 per day, so the quicker I sell it the more profit I make. If it gets to 100 days I trade out of it as that's 3 times longer than my average so could have sold 3 cars in its place, 3 lots of service bookings, 3 chances at finance, etc etc. I'd kill to sell in 9 days but wouldn't be able to replace them that quickly which is the biggest issue.