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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/15 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Just thinking about this from a different prospective, let's say you mot, service, pdi, replace everything that you buy/sell the additional cost of that work is it greater than what it would potentially cost you if you had to refund the odd purchase. In reality how many cars are returned for a full refund ? The sales of goods act has always been present and although it's been tweaked some dealers still didn't meet there obligation under the old act. I know of 2 incidents at our place, one we gave them there money back and the other we refunded them then had to replace the clutch and dmf and then they purchased it back from us. I know from being involved in mail order at my last company just how difficult people can be they read the Internet and listen to the to and they suddenly think they know everything. I have helped more people when they were honest than people who go on the attack straight away, like someone who's dog chewed a product, he got a free replacement as he was nice compared to a customer who claimed there product didn't work but forgot to say they had dropped it in water.
  2. 1 point
    I took a Bravo in part ex a few months ago and it flew out. A car I never even would have considered buying. Obviously, next time I saw the same car in the same spec go through the auction I bought it, and then bought another one. Goes without saying that they are still here...... I am partial to a french seven seater. I wonder if Nicole has progressed to such beauty yet?
  3. 1 point
    On premises sales, off premises sale and distance contracts …All of these are caught by The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 which came in last year. Most sales by our dealers will be subject to the ‘on premises’ sales rules within the Regulations given that an on ‘on premises’ sale is defined in the Regulations as: A contract between a trader and a consumer which is neither a distance contract nor an off premises contract. So on a very general level, if you are not operating an organised distance selling scheme or going to people’s homes to complete a sale, you will be selling by way of ‘on premises’. The fact that these Regulations contain the word ‘information’ in their title does give a clue that even ‘on premises’ sales require you to give certain information to your customers. The required information is set out in Schedule 1 of the Regulations and includes the requirement to provide your complaint handling policy. To check if you are complying with all the information requirements, do check Schedule 1 . For more details on the updated Distance Selling Regulations you can listen to our podcast .