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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/15 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I haven't had a pop at pedestrians for a while, so it's time to move them up the slapping order. This week, chugging along, minding my own business, window open, I saw a family group starting to cross the road: Mother (I assume) pushing buggy containing infant. Child aged about 5 on a scooter. Another child aged around 10 chatting on her phone(!). As I approached (slowly) the mother started to go in front of me (pushing the baby out first, obviously), realised that it wasn't safe and pulled back. Unfortunately, the other 2 were just following blindly and on they went..... Panic ye not, dear friends, as I had anticipated such an outcome and stopped without any harm coming to anyone. As the window was open, I remarked to the child on the phone that perhaps she should pay a bit more attention to the traffic whilst crossing. OMG. The mother exploded with rage. Who the eff was I to tell her effin kids how to cross the road? Its her phone and she can use it if she wants. It's eff all to do with me. Well, I said, if and when your child does that again and it doesn't end quite so well and she has to be scraped off the front of my car and the police are knocking on your door giving you the bad news, whose fault will you want it to be? Because if you want it to be my fault then it has everything to do with me, because I'm trying to help save her life. Which is clearly more than you're doing. In an ideal world, she would have taken a moment to fully reflect on the situation, appreciate the issues and thank me for the words of wisdom and also for being vigilant enough to have prevented a tragedy. We don't live in an ideal world. I was reminded of the film 'Scanners' as I watched the colour of her face reach the ultraviolet end of the spectrum. Then I just shut the window and did as she suggested I should.
  2. 1 point
    Im sure you could find a large transporter who could move the lot in one hit for a reasonable price especially if its a regular contract. Try movex then you can say what YOU want to pay and let someone take the job.
  3. 1 point
    Try this lot heard good things http://www.lanternrecovery.com/services/transportation/