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RE: Trader Tales: Social media? It’s just nasty and narcissistic

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Well said Kate Hamer, you are right it's no longer about how many followers or likes you have, it's all about content which is interesting, social, influential and most importantly shareable.

We can all spend hours on Social Media posting drivel but that just wastes precious time. You have to understand the reason behind the use of social media and have some strategy and targets.

YOUR customers are all on social media so you HAVE to be there to listen to them and communicate to them.

Just so you know, I'm making this post just after replying to two enquiries via FaceBook DM's online and it's 6.15pm on a Sunday evening on a bank Holiday weekend! THAT"S what makes the difference.

So yes James as Kate has pointed out, don't give up on Social Media, grasp it with both hands, we do and we are very successful at it, Jim

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