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  1. I should really have waited until this article was on the Car Dealer Magazine Website however I feel so strongly about what has been said in this article I have decided to talk out now! For those who have no idea what I'm on about please read Trader Tales on page 108 of the latest CD Magazine first! I will start by saying I don't disagree with all James Litton has pointed out, i.e. the fact that Social Media has changed over the last 4 years on this point agree, however I can't agree with his points about being Nasty & Narcissistic! The majority of FaceBook and Twitter post are very social, yes there are nasty people everywhere but you can't possibly class Social Media as nasty! Yes I feel that there are a number of narcissistic people active on Social Media however this is a very small minority. Social Media has been very good to us, we embraced it back in 2011 and have never looked back, we have made loads of new contacts, customers and friends through Twitter and have found an easy way to sell vehicles through Facebook. As for the statement that he is bored with his Twitter feed being populated of dealers tweeting pictures of happy customers I can't understand, I follow a huge number of car dealers on Twitter and never see this, anyway it's great PR, don't you think? When has good PR and self promotion become narcissistic? I'm more than happy to meet with James to help educate him with the way we feel Social Media should be used as a car dealer and show him that it can work. We have made thousands of £'s of profit thanks to FB and Twitter. Yes, social media is changing and Twitter has changed quite a bit over the last few years however it is still (at least for us) very social and sociable, so I suspect that James maybe following the wrong people on Twitter and FB. To sum up, "You reap what you sow" that goes for Social Media too!