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About gorsesoft

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  1. Hey, thanks for getting back to me. When you mean advertising portal, do you mean something like AT or are there seperate services out there for managing several platorms? If so do you care to share the website? I ask as I wonder if there is more scope for added social media interaction and possible forum based posting? Also I would open it up to any other type of data scraping tool that would help you guys in your day to day business? Some idea's Pulling car auction data from several sources into one place Allowing to pull data on sold cars from something like eBay submitting applications to several finance companies to compare prices
  2. I hope this is posted in the correct place and doesn't come accross as self promotion... I run a software development company and I was recently speaking to a friend who is in the car dealership industry and got onto the topic of social media and advertising thier inverntory. They do all the posting to AT instagram facebook ect manually and understandably takes a while to do, with a lot of repetition. Just so happens we have been working on software to post to classified sites and seems this could be reworked specifically for the car dealership industry. After some research I failed to find any similar software. So just wondering if I'm looking in the wrong places or it's just a case of it's not really needed. So would some software which took your inventory and in one go posted onto all the popular car classifieds/eBay/FB/AT ect be something you would be interested in. Also would there be any resource for finding out what websites we would want to integrate? The beauty of the software being we could integrate a large amount of smaller websites to extend the reach of your inventory. Maybe posting to free/local classifieds that you would normally not allocate the time to covering.