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Everything posted by cvs

  1. Am also hoping to start in the car trade with a budget of around 20k for stock and another 5k to spend on a unit my rent every week is pretty cheap. I am hoping to buy 10-12 cars out of a local trade centre to stock my yard. I am a machanic and have all my tools to repair cars myself. So do yous think that's a suitable budget to start with?
  2. Me and my friend is in process of opening a wee yard to sell used cars ranging from around £500 to 5k. Am looking to do things right and register for a VAT number so I can buy my stock from trade centres and online trade auctions. I am a bit confused on what way the VAT works 1 person is telling me 1 thing and the next person an other. Do I pay VAT the total price of the sale or is it only the profit I pay VAT on. Am looking to offer warranty on the cars I sell do I only have to offer 3 months engine and gearbox warranty? Also am I better going through a car warranty company or fixing the cars myself if anything was to go wrong with a customer's car? Another we question some people might be a bit hesitated to answer buy where's the best places to draw my stock from? Any other information would be greatly appreciated regards, Paul