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Posts posted by DanNextGear

  1. Hi, 


    The other guys are correct - shouldnt be too much of an issue.

    As a rep for NGC in Staffordshire and Cheshire im happy to talk to my customers customers! 


    We also can provide a subject to clearance the day after you click the settle button on the system. Just give your account manager a call and he/she will be able to help.


  2. Brilliant Day I was representing NextGear on the Cox Automotive stand with Manheim and out sister companies. 


    Really enjoyed spending time talking to car dealers and other people within the industry and was a great platform to get our message across about what we REALLY offer, not what other people say!

    Enjoyed the BREXIT debate and also listening to Caralot, the car shop and Umesh. 


    Back to Stoke now to follow up on the leads I generated !

    Looking forward to next year. 

    • Like 2

  3. I've got a stocking plan but rarely use it, BCA offer one with quite cheap fees £35 admin fee, 27p per thousand per day interest, £25 admin fee after 60 days, full balance repayable after 120 days but you can only buy on it from them which does limit you buying options and force you to pay their prices. Nextgear capital who are owned by manheim do one which lets you buy from anywhere but the initial fee is £65 if it's bought from an auction or £85 if bought from elsewhere. After, I think, 45 days you have to repay 25% of the capital and another fee, not to sure on the rest of the fees and interest. Finance companies offer them based on your finance volume and stock can be bought from anywhere and if you give them enough business you don't pay any fees or interest. I've found the cheapest and more flexible one is an overdraft from the bank, some good deals out there I was offered one with hsbc, a 30k unsecured overdraft for £300 per month if you use it all. 


    Just thought I'd chip in - it's 7.5% write down at day 45 and the loading fee is £45 at the moment. 

    If anyone is interested just message me and I'll get in touch (admin not sure if I can say this on here so feel free to edit the last bit if breaking any rules) 

  4. I speak to a lot of smaller independent dealers on a daily basis and the general feeling is that it has gone quiet. Good stock is hard to purchase through the auction at a decent price. 

    One me thing that is apparent is that we cannot predict the patterns anymore.. Seems to be up and down all over the country. 



  5. Hi Guys,

    I work for NextGear, I'm not here to sell the product to any of you (I just want to see how the market is getting on from dealers all around the UK, not just my area)..

    Stocking plans in general are a great idea if you run it with common sense, as someone mentioned above.

    It is a great way for additional stock to be added to your forecourt, yes it costs money.. But if you can add 10 vehicles to your site at a £1000 cost, and you make x £££s more, then it's worth it.

    I would consider how you would use a plan before deciding on who to choose, some companies tie you down to retail finance, some tie you down to certain auction houses, some only lend a % of trade value etc..

    In my opinion (biased slightly) - a none contract/tie in product to dip in and out of as and when you need it is the best option..

    If anyone does have any questions, give me a shout and I'll be happy to help if I can, even if it's just about stocking in general.
