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About Dave459

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    KHIPU - Networks
  1. Hi Guys, Having recently left the trade (Still doing the odd one from home) to start a new path with a Cyber security company and knowing what i know now from both sides i though i would try and offer some advice/help if it was needed. I saw a post just before Christmas from David Gott and how he got his emails intercepted and lost out on a few grand with the wrong dank details ETC. This happens way more often than people think in the trade but obviously some dealers don't want to admit they have just lost a shed load of money to dodgey email. With GDPR in full swing now and how much customer data you guys hold, if it was to get compromised and exploited by a hacker the effects would be devastating to profits and reputation. I would be interested to know if anyone has any questions around this or if i can potentially help in anyway. Cheers, Dave