Okay dokay

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Posts posted by Okay dokay

  1. I've just signed up myself, not seen an auction yet but using the stock locator all prices seem to be 15-25% above cap clean. One particular car I was interested in capped at £5050 and they wanted £9200!


    Not impressed so far I have to say. Unless I am missing something.

  2. I have my own mechanic that works for me. Up to now he has invoiced us and we provide a copy to the customer as part of supplied service history.

    but now we want to put the mechanic on the pay roll, can we effectively stamp a service book with our dealer details in order to vouch for the in house service we carry out? So the stamp will bear our company details identical to that on the vehicle sales reciept. 

    Im sure the answer is yes but wanted to make sure a law wasn't being broken. Just wondered how many of you do it like this? I know big motoring world do it.

  3. Put claim in Thursday, nothing yet back but they have made a point of asking who transported the vehicle.

    I feel like they will try and wriggle out of it even though the staff at Blackbushe told my driver the roof had developed a fault post sale and they put it in a shed with roof stuck open.

    any advice on how to take matters further?

    Or shall I just get my card company to recover funds under section 76.

  4. Well it's happened, had to eventually, buy a lot of cars via BCA online, had it delivered and the convertible roof doesn't work, infact it was delivered stuck open! With not so much as a courtesy call to advise this before hand so I could arrange shelter for it!

    BCA assured report shows as "ok" and it went under the hammer with no faults.

    Mechanic has diagnosed roof motor. 

    Whats the best course of action? Anyone been in this situation or similar?


  5. Motors Basic only cover you for 10 mile radius of your Business and on the lower level that does not feed to Parkers, Sun Motors and numerous other sites they are linked with, and press websites.

    If your package is £260+ a month then you are automatically fed into all other sites. If you are on £100+ a Month then you are not fed into them.

    Motors will explain if you call them. They dont hide stuff from you and always willing to help a dealer.


    Actually it isn't quite as much as that, the £120 per month is for the networking which includes all sites, each car is then charged at £2 per week per car.


    There was a price change a while ago according to my sales rep.



  6. If you request their dealer application form there is a box asking what type of license you have with 3 or 4 options. One of the options is no license held.

    tick this, send it back to them and hey presto (or as I say it was for me).


    i average 1.5 deals with them a month and do not have any FCA license/approval/permission.

    here is the form they sent, as you can see no option for no FCA license no. 



  7. Zuto do not insist on FCA license, not if the customer goes to them direct.



    I lost a sale last week, phone rang, it was Zuto, we have a customer that wants your Audi A4, just need to get you set up with us, can you tell us your FCA license no.? Me: we don't have one, oh sorry we have to have that to proceed.

  8. Getting sick of AT so made the leap yesterday over to motors.co.uk


    im excited but at the same time a little worried. Started uploading stock today but have just been advised they don't go live until the next day and this is the same for ammendments! I sometimes like to make last minute adjustments on a Friday night ready for the weekend but it seems that's not an option now :(


    how is is everyone else finding motors?

    and does anyone else not pay the £30 per week for networking (filtering down to partner sites)?

  9. Thanks Umesh,


    since your reply I have begun FCA application for a limited permission license.


    But it all appears so alien! As I understand it regular submissions to GABRIEL are required and annual fees from the FCA are based on income generated by the firm.


    This is a ruddy minefield. All I want to do is be able to tell customers to call Zuto or similar and apply and we be paid out. But every broker I have called says we HAVE to have a CCL.


    How do you guys do it, it seems a nightmare, do you hire someone to look after it for you?


    There really isn't enough info on this otherwise very informative forum to tackle the FCA license setup.

  10. Hi guys, new member but long time lurker and what a fantastic resource this is.


    Has a few sales fall through because we can't yet offer finance but this culminated this week when a deal fell through after the customer was accepted with Zuto but Zuto wouldn't agree to pay us out...long story short customer bought elsewhere same day.

    Now I got on the phone to Zuto as I understood a CCL was required to broker / arrange finance but that you didn't need one to receive payment from a finance company if set up fully off of the customers own back?

    Can anyone claify this? Zuto were sketchy and said it will be down to the underwriters and whether they feel the business is a reputable one with good reviews etc. Now we have been trading a good while but only recently gone more mainstream with social media etc so as yet there are no reviews.

    Any help much appreciated.