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Posts posted by wayfwd

  1. There are a number of points that perhaps should be raised in regard to this matter, firstly this digital platform,beta, will role out in January next year for VAT accounting which is just the start as by 2020 the same platform will be used for all business tax accounting not just for corporations and limited companies but also self employed.

    This, quite disingenuously, is being marketed (if marketed is the right word) more like secret squirrel , as making accounting for VAT and Tax easier, when it in fact will have considerable benefits to the HMRC to scrutinise all accounting submitted on this platform as it will require the linking of bank accounts and future real prospects of mandatory interfaces with purchase and sales ledgers and anything else decided along the way, I fear the fundamental objective is to invite big brother into the workplace to give unlimited scrutiny of business. If it was as it being portrayed "to simplify and stream line tax accounting" then why not simply stop all VAT charges and accounting to VAT registered businesses as this is needless because all that is charged is reclaimed, it is after all only a retail tax revenue stream for government coffers to waste at will.