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Everything posted by NoMargin

  1. Regards to the smoking my dad was diagnosed couple months back with stage 3 COPD, he won't listen, so he continues to smoke, with a horrific cough. He also continues to work delivering parcels. He actually has enough money in the coffer to stay at home, I've already warned him he will be seen as a burden and won't be priority. Your not wrong about the bed situation though, my aunt's brother in law has contracted the virus in hospital, he went there because of arthritis, he's 50 and has special needs, which is probably costing government more money to care for him. He can see no family now. He was meant to be discharged yesterday but the doctor said he started coughing and his breathing is not good.The doctor said they will not be treating him in intensive care. No patients have masks on his ward. They have now moved him to an isolation ward.
  2. If you can't see how saying, minimum 50% will die "ANYWAY" then you need your head checking. "ANYWAY", to add to your facts, people who smoke choose to do so. Why is alcohol and sugar legal? What purpose does it serve? What a silly questionh, I mean what purpose does shagging a woman in their arse serve? Nope never smoked. I hope your staying in and only leaving your home if necessary!
  3. You can't compare obesity and smoking they are lifestyle choices. Plus on TV/media etc always banging on about obesity and the underlying health probkems. Have you not seen the photos on cigarette packets. And minimum of 50% would have died anyway? Where did you get those figures from.... That statement is just a disregard for life, heartless.
  4. That will be 93 buyers, after antokid buys from them. I'm surprised these guys haven't had a stress related heart attack.
  5. carswithnoreservereading buy high mileage and v cars from bca, auction them off on ebay. Cars are not prepped and a lot of them are shite.
  6. Google sticky stuff remover, to help remove foam number plate tabs, may work.
  7. No. Applying for the V5 is the same as Cat N. Although if its a cat S you don't have to pay the £25 fee.
  8. Yes it was my question. Lots of spam on here lately.
  9. I'm sure if I visit sunny Scotland, it will be sitting outside your workshop :))
  10. Top spec!
  11. 100% have and will never sell anything to them. if I did I'll assume I'd be losing way to much money, for what they'd offer.
  12. Hi guys, as per title, I need to transfer a car I've had in trade for 6 months to my personal name. Can I back date this to 6 months ago? If so is it better to send the V5 off or do it online and say i've sold the car to myself. I know its been discussed before but can't find the thread. Car has been taxed since I bought it. Thanks in advance.
  13. Hi Brunswick how many minutes use do you get from one battery?
  14. Any bidders for Katie Price's old Suzuki vitara? Should have a good margin in it. Item no. 254073076749
  15. Drugs, prostitutes, and alcohol, with a bit of gambling.
  16. This is my insurance policy regarding Mid.
  17. I'm with Covea only because they were £450 cheaper than anywhere else. Someone put in a claim against me, side swiped my car when I was stationary, reason why I didn't want to claim, because the damage to my stock car was so minimal I polished it out by hand. Covea tried to pressure me with a letter to admit liability, I told them to jog on. They have set a reserve of £14000, because the 4 people in the other car are all claiming soft tissue injuries. Happened in April and It's still ongoing now. Claim management guy came round for 2 hours to take a statement, check drivers licence with DVLA and take copies of V5, purchase invoices, sales receipts, advertising, etc then after all that I get emails/letters from Covea asking for proof that I'm a car dealer. Dash cam is key, wish I had it at the time would have put this to bed ages ago, insurance gone up £400, no claims gone down by 2 years.
  18. Did you watch Judge Rinder earlier then(can't stand the man) ..... When the lying Couple took a car dealer there over a shitty £700 banger. They had 4 months use of the car, even drove from Liverpool to Wales, "that's not far" judge Rinder shouted. Anyway the car had a water leak, they took it to independent garage got it repaired, then few weeks later car broke down, and an independent report found 6 Inch hole in engine block, and many nuts & bolts missing, car deemed unsafe and only good for scrap. Judge ruled in their favour £700 full refund, plus £250 for repairs they paid for the car, even though they didn't give dealer a chance to look at the car. The smug look on their faces after. Now I know it's only Judge Rinder and for entertainment, but there are many judges like him (who know F all about the used car business) and the majority will completely dismiss car dealers and side with the consumer regardless of facts. So your not wrong trade vet.
  19. I should of clarified for occasional use with a twin mask like I use will be fine, if your in a spray booth everyday then yes air fed is the way. 1k acrylic paint is just at bad. We all use health, beauty, cleaning products, and stand in an auction hall without a mask, yet they can trigger asthma and all sorts of problems.
  20. Just put a twin mask on, and disposable overall on you'll be fine, could cause skin irritation or asthma(and that's being expose to it many years) but then again so can many other things we use in daily life, have you seen half the Shit the put/spray on our food and drinks nowadays, and as for the fumes the lads breathe in at auctions everday.
  21. What blue plastic blade is that? If you don't mind me asking