Urgh you've reminded me of a horrible drive back from Barcelona in a Cooper S, with a broken seat that wouldn't move back (I'm 6' 2") - whoever thought that might be fun? Oh, hang on...I did!
I wished I'd never sold my first car - a FIAT Mirafiori - that was handed down to me, when I say sold it what I mean is the fact that I wrote it off four days after passing my test. I was heartbroken and sat amidst the crumpled remains sobbing. I vowed I'd never drive again, I was so upset. My Dad offer of driving his XJS did the trick though and I was soon back behind the wheel. But, for all it's rust, dodgy carburettor, rust, joke/choke, rust, rust and er, rust I'd love to see that old beauty drive round the corner and back into my life. With that car went my driving dreams. Well at least for a year or so.
RIP my X reg Mirafirori - Rust In Peace.